In the quiet of my studio I can find the focus to dedicate myself to my work. I prepare a porcelain slab as thin as a sheet of paper, cut a shape that interests me at that moment, usually a geometric shape such as a square or a circle. When the porcelain reaches an elastic consistency, I keep it in my hands and wait. Sometimes, I close my eyes. The shape is born out of my hands. Weightlessness, transparency, beauty and movement are all themes which I like representing. Images that I want to narrate often become curved and wavy forms. When porcelain is very thin, it becomes translucent, creating a subtle effect that recalls watermarks. Porcelain is precious with a unique charm and beauty. Choosing white allows form to keep its essential purity and with each visible detail, more imperfection is granted. For me searching for beauty is not for beauty’s sake, it conveys a profound meaning.
vola tu,
Bianca Flut,
ante Nu.
The title of this piece is an anagram which refers to several meanings: at first, these words recall poetry, whereas if rearranged they mean Floating White Cloud. Bianca Flut is my pseudonym. Fine white porcelain and the name of a woman: tribute to writer Bianca Pitzorno. Flut, float suggests floating like waves, the initial idea behind this research was born while imagining a form which would recall both a cloud and waves. If we look at the clouds in the sky and the waves in the sea, we can observe that both are elusive and always moving. This shows how I feel. These floating sculptures interact with the observer, who passing through the space around it creates movement. This is possible thanks to the light weight of the sculpture and the fine steel cables suspending it. A sculpture as thin as a piece of paper. A white sheet where an idea is formed, a sketch, a mark, a text. A sheet which is maybe not white but marked with invisible ink. An apparent white sheet encapsulating a profound message for those who read it.